In the context of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the sustainable development. The main goal of ICE is to bring together researchers, scientists and experts in universities, companies, institutions, communities, agencies, associations and societies to provide them a unique platform for sharing worldwide ideas as well as the recent developments on environmental science and technology.
Highlights: æ 1 Plenary Forum from a Panel of Leading Experts æ 150+ Oral Presentations on the Latest Development æ 300+ Professional Attendees from All over the World for Unrivalled Networking æ Opportunity to Present Your Work and Forge New Collaborations æ Tech Tour to Famous Science Spots and Cultural Landscapes æ Other 6 Joint Satellite Clustering Meetings
Organizer: æ World High Technology Society
Call For: æ Co-Organizers, Supporting Organizations æ Collaborative Partners, Mediasand Journals æ Speakers, Chairs, Exhibitors, Attendee, Papers and Posters
Contact Us: Ms. Ada Organizing Commission of International Congress of Environment-2024 Tel: 0086-411-84799629 Email: