The conference offers the business leaders, academic researchers and government agents around the world to meet and exchange ideas in research technologies and application experiences face to face, finding gaps in the technology development and build future collaboration.
The 3-day conference is an effective series of activities including Plenary Forum, Parallel Sessions, Welcome Banquet, Exhibitions, Posters and Tours etc. It covers a wide range of topics related to Ocean Economy, Maritime Law, Ocean Engineering, Ocean Energy, Green Port, Shipping and Modern Shipbuilding, Marine Management and Environment Protection, Ocean Science, etc. Look forward to your participation, and wish everyone have an unforgettable stay in Singapore.
Highlights: æ100+ Oral Presentations Covering the Hot Topics and Cutting-Edge Technology in the Field of Ocean æ200+ Professional Attendees Coming from All over the World for Unrivalled Networking æAbundant Activities including Scientific Meetings, Panel Discussion, Project Matchmaking, Investment and Career Development, Tours etc. æOpportunity to Present Your Work and Forge New Collaborations æOpportunities to Visit Famous Scenic Spots and Historical Sites in Singapore
Organizer: æ World High Technology Society æ BIT Congress
Call For: æ Co-Organizers, Supporting Organizations æ Collaborative Partners, Mediasand Journals æ Speakers, Chairs, Exhibitors, Attendee, Papers and Posters
Contact Us: Mr. David Zhang Organizing Committee of WCO-2024 Tel: 0086-18840891067